The Science
His offspring thrive in the high country and comprise the first essential component in the rigorous new standard that is TE MANA LAMBTM. Each year, 80 new sires are tested, and the very best enter the elite breeding programme.
Thirty days finishing on chicory pastures releases the full potential for Omega-3 in TE MANA LAMBTM. Because of its unique composition, TE MANA LAMBTM doesn’t behave like regular lamb during preparation and cooking. It is more versatile, retaining its shape and texture better. TE MANA LAMBTM is less prone to cooking shrinkage and more forgiving of over‑enthusiastic cooking!
Part of the TE MANA LAMBTM secret is capturing a perfect moment in time. TE MANA LAMBTM is aged 21 days. This gives you absolute confidence in the consistency and quality of the product delivered to you. All underpinned by rigorous new standards and scientific methodology. The result is an entirely new kind of lamb. Produced by our farming families for you.